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The Schedule of the tour "The Middle Katun"

The 1st day. Meeting in Chemal. (Meeting at the airport, at the bus station in Barnaul. A light breakfast with beverages. A bus drive along the route: Barnaul (a town) - Biisk (a town) - Ust-Sema (a village). Dinner at the shore of the Katun. Continuation of the trip along the Chuiski highway: Ust-Sema - the Seminski gate - Ongudai (a village) - the Chiket-Aman gate - the convergence of the rivers the Big Yaloman and the Katun. Camping. The evening of getting acquainted. Beginning with this day you will live in tents; food will be prepared by instructors on fire.

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The 2nd day. Preparation for the trip. Starting the tour. The convergence of the rivers the Big Yaloman and the Katun - the Ilgumenski rapids - the mouth of the Ailagush river. The approximate length and time: 11,18 miles, 3 hours. Preparation for the trip. This means: distribution of food, equipment; instructions on the safety measures, and training tours. Starting the tour. Slight breakers at the beginning of the tour will let you get adjusted to the water. Having some training we come to our first serious obstacle - the Ilgumenski rapids (the 4th complexity class). Steep breakers up to 9,84 feet with heavy foamy crests will be a good challenge for every participant. After some more traveling we shall camp on the right bank of the mouth of the Ailagush river.

Day 1. Route line.

The 3rd day. The mouth of the Ailagush River - the Kadrinskoe gorge - the mouth of the Kusjur river. The approximate length and time: 11,81 miles, 3 hours. This day we are to overcome the Kadrinskoe gorge, which is made of a series of narrow spots in the rock shores with breakers up to 6,56 feet. The greatest breakers at the beginning and at the end of the section won't let any of the participants relax. Then, coming over the Meshok rapids we shall stop for a night rest on the right shore of the mouth of the Kusjur river.

The 4th day. A tourists' banya. Fishing. Going for walks. This is the day of having rest. That's why we shall make a tourists' banya on the shore of the river, stoke it thoroughly and go taking a steam bath. We shall also try a very old Russian tradition: to dip with wild screams into the cold Katun's waters after a very hot Russian bath. Those who love fishing may try themselves in it. Katun is home to grayling and a special type of Siberian trout, called lenka.

Day 2. Route line.

The 5th day. The mouth of the Kusjur river - the Shabash rapids - the mouth of the Second Cayancha river. Excursion to the rock pictures. The approximate length and time: 14,91 miles, 3-4 hours. Just a few minutes walk and we find ourselves near the Shabash rapids (the 4th complexity class). You won't believe your eyes!!! A thorough inspection and we go ahead. Two levels with great billows scattered around will excite even the most desperate tourists. Coming over some more rapids with billows up to 6,56 feet we shall camp near the mouth of the Second Cayancha river. From here we shall go for an excursion to the rock pictures.

Day 3. Route line.

The 6th day. The mouth of the Second Cayancha river - the mouth of the Edigan River. The approximate length and time: 40 kilometers, 4-5 hours. Here we are to face the Ayala rapids and some other amazing rapids. Moving along the river we'll enjoy the view of numerous rock islands and unique nature of surrounding mountains. Reaching the mouth of the Edigan River we shall stop for a night rest on the right shore of the Katun.

Day 4. Route line.

The 7th day. The mouth of the Edigan river - the Teldecpen rapids (No.1, 2) - the Elandinski rapids - Chemal (a village). The approximate length and time: 24,23 miles, 4-5 hours. Some starting rapids. Just after it there is a rock gateway - an entrance into the Teldecpen rapids No.1. After it there is a rock canyon (16,40 -26,25 feet height) with a torrent full of water craters and eddies. There is a bridge in the middle of the canyon. Just after it there are the Teldecpen rapids No.2. They are also characterized by water craters and eddies. They appear, disappear and change each other constantly along the whole rock narrowing. After the mouth of the Coscol river there begin the Biika rapids, interesting rapids with short strong billows in the rock narrowing. Then there come the Elandinski rapids with two strong whirlpools and slanting billows. After that there is a beautiful quiet section with slight obstacles. We shall camp on the right shore just a few miles before Chemal. We are to enjoy banya again. Then, after having some rest, we shall celebrate our trip with delicious dinner, laughter and songs till the very morning.

The 8th day. A bus drive: Chemal - Barnaul. The approximate length and time: 217,48 miles, 4-5 hours. A departure day. After breakfast we pack our things and drive home.

Day 5. Route line.

Travel firm “Ivan-Tour”
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